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Computer Science and Programming

Channel for who have a passion for Computer Vision, #Deep and #Machine #Learning, #Artificial #Intelligence and Python programming. Up-to-date books, articles or links provided based on #Python.

Computer Science and Programming

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80+ Jupyter Notebook tutorials on image classification, object detection and image segmentation in various domains 📌 Agriculture and Food 📌 Medical and Healthcare 📌 Satellite 📌 Security and Surveillance 📌 ADAS and Self Driving Cars 📌 Retail and E-Commerce 📌 Wildlife Classification library https://github.com/Tessellate-Imaging/monk_v1 Notebooks - github.com/Tessell…tion_zoo Detection and Segmentation Library https://github.com/Tessellate-Imaging/ Monk_Object_Detection Notebooks: github.com/Tessell…odel_zoo 👉 @computer_science_and_programming