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Computer Science and Programming

Channel for who have a passion for Computer Vision, #Deep and #Machine #Learning, #Artificial #Intelligence and Python programming. Up-to-date books, articles or links provided based on #Python.

Computer Science and Programming

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🔗 Link:- https://apitester.org A fully free mobile API client for interacting with APIs straight from your phone. Doesn't it sound fantastic? API Tester allows you to connect to whatever type of API you're working with, including REST, gRPC, SOAP, and GraphQL. Constructing HTTP requests with parameters, auth details, and body data requires only a few steps with a simple and optimized UI. You can also create WebSocket connections, import collections, and use global variables. API Tester was developed by a team of enthusiasts who feel that powerful apps simplifying work is the key to progress. The app is constantly updated to ensure that you have all of the top-tier features. Try it out for yourself, rate and review on the App Store and Google Play.
API Tester: Debug requests

Mobile app to test any type of API on the go. Join 100k+ developers using API Tester. REST + GraphQL + WebSocket + SOAP + JSON RPC + XML + HTTP + HTTPS.
